Product/January 30, 2023

Generating Even Higher-Quality Product Images




512, 1024, 2048 product images by Pebblely

You can now upscale your images to 2048, better remove the background from your photos, and use an image to generate images with similar colors and styles.

Hello there!

It’s Alfred again, here to share a few improvements to help you generate even better product images.

  1. Upscaling to 2048x2048: You can now download your generated images at an even higher quality.
  2. Sharper background removal: You no longer get a white glow around your product because Pebblely now finely removes the background on the edge of your product.
  3. Generating similar colors and styles: You can now tell Pebblely to generate images with similar colors and styles to an existing image.
  4. 3 new themes (Basic, Kitchen, and Furniture): You can now easily generate images where your product is on a colored background, on a kitchen top, or in a living room.

Also, we refined the app interface to prepare for a bunch of new exciting features. Keep an eye out for them in the next few weeks!

As always, let us know your thoughts on all of these.

1. Upscaling to 2048x2048

Many of you have told us that you need larger and higher-quality images so that you can use them on your website or even print them out.

You can now upscale your images to 2048x2048.

To help put that in perspective, you need 16 images of 512x512 to cover a 2048x2048 image!

Pebblely increases not only the dimensions but also the resolutions so that your images look sharper.

512x512 image by Pebblely
1024x1024 image by Pebblely
2048x2048 image by Pebblely

After you have generated your images, click on the image and then “Download higher resolution” to choose between 1024 and 2048. Pebblely will take a little while to make your image bigger and refine the details.

Download at higher resolution in Pebblely

If this still isn’t high quality enough for you, just let us know at

2. Sharper background removal

Our goal is for Pebblely to remove the background of your product so perfectly that you never have to adjust it yourself. While we are not there yet, we upgraded the background removal such that you no longer have a “white glow” around your product.

Before and after comparison for the upgraded background removal

And for times when you do want to adjust the background removal, there is now a checkered background so that you can more easily identify spots that need to be removed.

Checkered background during the background removal step

3. Generating similar colors and styles

Maybe you have an existing marketing image or generated image that you love. And you want to generate images for another product but with similar colors and styles.

You can now generate images of similar colors and styles with Pebblely.

For example, I was struggling to get a dark background when I was recreating Paco Rabanne Phantom’s product image. Now I can upload an image with a black background I found on Unsplash and ask Pebblely to generate images with a similar style.

Match style feature in Pebblely
Here, we are using a combination of a custom description + negative prompts + a reference image.

The generated images will look different from your uploaded image because it’s not useful—or creative—if they are exactly the same.

4. 3 new themes (Basic, Kitchen, and Furniture)

Due to popular demand, we added three new free themes:

  • Basic
  • Kitchen
  • Furniture
Product images with the Basic, Kitchen, and Furniture themes
1. Basic. 2. Kitchen. 3. Furniture.

For the Basic theme, you can even pick a color via the color picker or enter the hex color code.

We will be adding more free themes, so let us know what other themes you would like!

5. Other improvements

  • We fixed an issue where a product image would be stretched unnecessarily if the product is wider than it is tall.
  • If you are looking to use our API, you can now sign up or log in with your Pebblely account at and get 20 free credits.

Join the community

AI product photography is finally affordable enough for small businesses to generate product images at scale. Join us as we help more small businesses create their marketing assets with AI.

  • Follow us on TwitterInstagram, and TikTok
  • Share your generated images and tag us
  • Tell your friends about Pebblely

If you have any suggestions or feedback, just let us know at Pebblely will be much better with your feedback.

P.S. If you are curious about the state of AI product photography, I just published a 2000-word essay explaining how good AI product photography is now and where it will be in the next 1-2 years.

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